2023 Delight: Distinct Charms of Brussels Griffons and Affenpinschers

What is the difference between an Affenpinscher and a Brussels Griffon?

There are two sweet and lovely little dog breeds, including Affenpinscher and Brussels Griffons which very much look alike because of the same size. Nevertheless, they are different in terms of characteristics as compared to these two breeds. This article shall discuss the important contrasts between Affenpinscher and Brussels.

Origin and History of Affenpinscher & Brussels Griffon

The Affenpinscher is lovingly called the ‘Monkey Dog’ because of its facial appearance and is a dog breed that originated from Germany. The history of this breed dates back to the 17th century when it was initially bred for catching rats or other small homes and stable pests.
Brussels Griffon:
By contrast, the Brussels Griffons originated in Brussels, Belgium, dating back to the early nineteenth century. The breed resulted from crossing several toy-sized dogs such as the Affenpinscher whose intention was to create a small companion dog for top-ranking Brussels citizens.

Size and Appearance


  • Size: Affenpinschers tend to be slightly larger than Brussels Griffons usually weigh between 6-13 pounds and stand around 9-12 inches tall at the shoulder.
  • Coat: These are small dogs with sturdy, dense coats that may come in black, grey, or silver and in various combinations.
  • Face: An afenpinscher has a characteristic expressive muzzle that is shortened in length as well as protruding nostrils and underbite.

Brussels Griffon:

  • Size: The typical size of a Brussels. G is that of a small dog, measuring 6 to 12 pounds in weight, and an average height of 7 to 12 inches when measured from shoulders.
  • Coat: It should be thick, long, and straight or wavy. Smooth-coated Brussels Griffons are short-haired with a glossy coat whereas rough-coated ones have longer, wired coats.
  • Face: B.G are famous for their charming, almost human faces, huge, black eyes, and small, upward-turned noses.

Temperament and Personality


  • Temperament: These dogs are characterized by a lively, funny, even obstinate temperament. They are very confident and alert.
  • Personality: They always remain loyal to their family and are good watchdogs. Nevertheless, they tend to be somewhat distant from acquaintances.

Brussels Griffon:

  • Temperament: They generally seek attention and company as they are quite sensitive and caring with a strong need for companionship. They are good with kids and other animals.
  • Personality: The boy is a social child in need of human interaction. These dogs are commonly referred to as “velcro dogs” due to that they are kept tightly by their owners.

Exercise and Training


  • Exercise Needs: These are moderately active dogs that require short walks and playtime in a fenced yard.
  • Training: Consistent and patient training is necessary because sometimes they are independent and obstinate.

Brussels Griffon:

  • Exercise Needs: These brats should be walked moderately every day, taken on brief walks, or played inside.
  • raining: The dogs are good at reasoning; therefore, one can train them using positive reinforcement. However, harsh training methods might be a bit sensitive.

Health Considerations


  • Common Health Issues: Some issues that affect Affenpinscher’s health include patellar luxation, hip dysplasia, and dental problems.
  • Lifespan: The lifespan of these animals is usually between 12 and 15 years.

Brussels Griffon:

  • Common Health Issues: The B.G. dog faces several health complications including; respiratory problems as a result of small noses and dental problems.
  • Lifespan: The two are quite alike in lifespan, which is about 12-15 years.

The two breeds are comparable regarding their dimensions and charm though their point of origin, appearance, temperament, exercise requirements, and health concerns differ considerably. If one decides between these two delicious races it is necessary to compare lifestyles and likes to meet own dream pet. Choose either a lively Affenpinscher or an adorable Brussels Griffon; both are capable of adding happiness and meaning to one’s life.

Grooming Requirements


  • Grooming of Affenpinscher: Affenpinscher’s coat sheds very little, however, their wiry fur needs daily brushing to prevent it from getting matted.
  • Haircuts: Owners might also choose to clip their Affenpinscher’s coat making it easier to maintain.
  • Facial Care: To avoid tearstain build-up, they may have occasion cleaning due to their facial hair.

Brussels Griffon:

  • Grooming of Brussels Griffon: Grooming needs for B.G Dog also differ depending on the type of their coats. With smooth-coated Brussels Griffon, one does not have to worry much about daily upkeep since this variety is low maintenance.
  • Haircuts: However, some Brussels Griffon owners like to maintain them with shorter hair which is easily manageable.
  • Facial Care: Cleaning their cute fuzz is recommended to avoid tear stains.



  • Adaptability: The affenpinschers are easy to adapt in apartments or houses with small yards, provided that they get enough exercise.
  • Weather Tolerance: It is imperative to shield them against severe temperature conditions as they could be either hot or cold-sensitive.

Brussels Griffon:

  • Adaptability: The B.G Dog is very versatile and can live almost anywhere therefore it’s perfect for apartments.
  • Weather Tolerance: As with Affenpinschers, Brussels Griffons should never be left exposed to extreme heat or too-cold conditions and their welfare must be protected.

Popularity and Availability


  • Popularity: It should also be noted that this is not one of the most popular toy breeds, such as Affenpinscher.
  • Availability: It may need some research and patience to locate a reliable breeder.

Brussels Griffon:

  • Popularity: They have been very successful in winning numerous hearts of dog lovers and they might be found easily.
  • Availability: There are also more reputable breeders selling Brussels Griffons.


In this Affenpinscher versus Brussels Griffon argument, either side has its own merit and appeal. The Affenpinscher is a playful and active-minded pet but the B.G Dog possesses an affectionate, social creature. Ultimately, the decision between these two great breeds depends on your lifestyle and choices when it comes down to taste.

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